Box of plastic labels for desktop label printers. 50mm (W) x 40mm (H). 1,200 labels per roll. White. Permanent adhesive. Suitable for all 2" or 4" printhead desktop thermal transfer printers (ribbon required). 1 box of 24 minimum.
ETA Click here
Our Discount Price: $667.89 inc GST
We will try to match any confirmed competitor price. *Conditions apply.

Stock Order Code: LTTD.050x040.1200.W.SYN.P.BX Label Width: 50mm. Label Height: 40mm. Material: Plastic labels. Colour: White. Adhesive: Permanent adhesive. Labels per roll: 1,200. Rolls per Box: 24. Minimum order: 1 box of 24 minimum. *DON'T NEED 24? Click here to buy just 1, or Click here to buy a ValuePack
ValuePack plastic labels for desktop label printers. 50mm (W) x 40mm (H). 1,200 labels per roll. White. Permanent adhesive. Suitable for all 2" or 4" printhead desktop thermal transfer printers (ribbon required). 12 roll box.
ETA Click here
Our Discount Price: $383.93 inc GST
We will try to match any confirmed competitor price. *Conditions apply.

Stock Order Code: LTTD.050x040.1200.W.SYN.P.VP Label Width: 50mm. Label Height: 40mm. Material: Plastic labels. Colour: White. Adhesive: Permanent adhesive. Labels per roll: 1,200. Rolls per Box: 12. Minimum order: 1 ValuePack of 12 minimum. *DON'T NEED 12? Click here to buy just 1, or Click here to SAVE more by buying a full box
Box of Genuine Zebra plain paper labels for desktop label printers. Perforated. 50mm (W) x 25mm (H). 2,490 labels per roll. White. Permanent adhesive. Suitable for all 2" or 4" printhead desktop thermal transfer printers (ribbon required). 12 roll box.
ETA Click here
Our Discount Price: $378.40 inc GST
We will try to match any confirmed competitor price. *Conditions apply.

Stock Order Code: LTTD.050x025.2490.W.PPR2.P.BX Label Width: 50mm. Label Height: 25mm. Material: Genuine Zebra plain paper labels. Colour: White. Adhesive: Permanent adhesive. Note: Perforation between each label. Labels per roll: 2,490. Rolls per Box: 12. Minimum order: 1 box of 12 minimum. *DON'T NEED 12? Click here to buy just 1, or Click here to buy a ValuePack
Genuine Zebra plain paper labels for desktop label printers. Perforated. 50mm (W) x 25mm (H). 2,490 labels per roll. White. Permanent adhesive. Suitable for all 2" or 4" printhead desktop thermal transfer printers (ribbon required). 1 roll minimum.
ETA Click here
Our Discount Price: $62.70 inc GST
We will try to match any confirmed competitor price. *Conditions apply.

Stock Order Code: LTTD.050x025.2490.W.PPR2.P.SN Label Width: 50mm. Label Height: 25mm. Material: Genuine Zebra plain paper labels. Colour: White. Adhesive: Permanent adhesive. Note: Perforation between each label. Labels per roll: 2,490. Rolls per Box: . Minimum order: 1 roll minimum. *SAVE! Click here to buy a ValuePack, or Click here to SAVE even more by buying a full box
ValuePack Genuine Zebra plain paper labels for desktop label printers. Perforated. 50mm (W) x 25mm (H). 2,490 labels per roll. White. Permanent adhesive. Suitable for all 2" or 4" printhead desktop thermal transfer printers (ribbon required). 6 roll box.
ETA Click here
Our Discount Price: $220.00 inc GST
We will try to match any confirmed competitor price. *Conditions apply.

Stock Order Code: LTTD.050x025.2490.W.PPR2.P.VP Label Width: 50mm. Label Height: 25mm. Material: Genuine Zebra plain paper labels. Colour: White. Adhesive: Permanent adhesive. Note: Perforation between each label. Labels per roll: 2,490. Rolls per Box: 6. Minimum order: 1 ValuePack of 6 minimum. *DON'T NEED 6? Click here to buy just 1, or Click here to SAVE more by buying a full box
ValuePack plain paper labels for desktop label printers. 40mm (W) x 28mm (H). 1,600 labels per roll. White. Permanent adhesive. Suitable for all 2" or 4" printhead desktop thermal transfer printers (ribbon required). 14 roll box.
ETA Click here
Our Discount Price: $197.74 inc GST
We will try to match any confirmed competitor price. *Conditions apply.

Stock Order Code: LTTD.040x028.1600.W.PPR.P.VP Label Width: 40mm. Label Height: 28mm. Material: Plain paper labels. Colour: White. Adhesive: Permanent adhesive. Labels per roll: 1,600. Rolls per Box: 14. Minimum order: 1 ValuePack of 14 minimum. *DON'T NEED 14? Click here to buy just 1, or Click here to SAVE more by buying a full box
Plain paper labels for desktop label printers. 40mm (W) x 28mm (H). 1,600 labels per roll. White. Permanent adhesive. Suitable for all 2" or 4" printhead desktop thermal transfer printers (ribbon required). 1 roll minimum.
ETA Click here
Our Discount Price: $40.50 inc GST
We will try to match any confirmed competitor price. *Conditions apply.

Stock Order Code: LTTD.040x028.1600.W.PPR.P.SN Label Width: 40mm. Label Height: 28mm. Material: Plain paper labels. Colour: White. Adhesive: Permanent adhesive. Labels per roll: 1,600. Rolls per Box: . Minimum order: 1 roll minimum. *SAVE! Click here to buy a ValuePack, or Click here to SAVE even more by buying a full box
Box of plastic labels for desktop label printers. 40mm (W) x 28mm (H). 1,250 labels per roll. White. Permanent adhesive. Suitable for all 2" or 4" printhead desktop thermal transfer printers (ribbon required). 1 box of 28 minimum.
ETA Click here
Our Discount Price: $546.70 inc GST
We will try to match any confirmed competitor price. *Conditions apply.

Stock Order Code: LTTD.040x028.1250.W.SYN.P.BX Label Width: 40mm. Label Height: 28mm. Material: Plastic labels. Colour: White. Adhesive: Permanent adhesive. Labels per roll: 1,250. Rolls per Box: 28. Minimum order: 1 box of 28 minimum. *DON'T NEED 28? Click here to buy just 1, or Click here to buy a ValuePack
ValuePack plastic labels for desktop label printers. 40mm (W) x 28mm (H). 1,250 labels per roll. White. Permanent adhesive. Suitable for all 2" or 4" printhead desktop thermal transfer printers (ribbon required). 14 roll box.
ETA Click here
Our Discount Price: $313.50 inc GST
We will try to match any confirmed competitor price. *Conditions apply.

Stock Order Code: LTTD.040x028.1250.W.SYN.P.VP Label Width: 40mm. Label Height: 28mm. Material: Plastic labels. Colour: White. Adhesive: Permanent adhesive. Labels per roll: 1,250. Rolls per Box: 14. Minimum order: 1 ValuePack of 14 minimum. *DON'T NEED 14? Click here to buy just 1, or Click here to SAVE more by buying a full box
Box of plain paper labels for desktop label printers. 40mm (W) x 28mm (H). 1,600 labels per roll. White. Permanent adhesive. Suitable for all 2" or 4" printhead desktop thermal transfer printers (ribbon required). 1 box of 28 minimum.
ETA Click here
Our Discount Price: $338.79 inc GST
We will try to match any confirmed competitor price. *Conditions apply.

Stock Order Code: LTTD.040x028.1600.W.PPR.P.BX Label Width: 40mm. Label Height: 28mm. Material: Plain paper labels. Colour: White. Adhesive: Permanent adhesive. Labels per roll: 1,600. Rolls per Box: 28. Minimum order: 1 box of 28 minimum. *DON'T NEED 28? Click here to buy just 1, or Click here to buy a ValuePack